
KPOP流行舞恆常班 私人授課 舞蹈表演洽商 Whatsapp: 5133 5106 查詢索取最新課堂時間地點資訊

私人教授Music:,私人教授Art:, 提供各類型的合辦課程: Ms Liu :[email protected]
C音樂 / 教學進修CherryLiu

A British-born Chinese myself, I am an HKU MBBS Student wanting to be a tutor and am confident to raise your expectations and apply for better universities!
A教學進修 / 補習Alexander Ng

新年佈置, 新春表演, 財神大公仔租借及角色扮演51140661

~日英混血兒老師~日文私人補習一對一/小組日語聽解會話寫作技巧能力試對策 Japanese Tutor

Cameraman and Production Service
H攝影及影音 / 攝影Hall of Film

A highly qualified and enthusiastic Mathematics tutor, with 7 years of teaching and private tutoring experience in Oxford, London and Hong Kong, guaranteed to achieve the best possible results

[ Epoch ] A independent visual creative agency, we all have passion, youth, different angle of view. Our teams know how to engage and inspire you with an interesting idea to make a success for your b

A highly qualified and enthusiastic Mathematics tutor, with 7 years of teaching and private tutoring experience in Oxford, London and Hong Kong, guaranteed to achieve the best possible results for all

我哋搵緊出色嘅 VJ/網絡主播,喺我哋嘅網絡平台上開始自己嘅精彩直播!
M音樂 / DJ / VJMartin Tse

另有個人化妝班 / 新娘化妝班 / 髮型班 ,一對一/一對二, 每位會獲全套工具 , 時間彈性自由, 有實習機會
S美容 / 化妝Suki Makeup House

Limitless One-Stop Design + Print + Photoshoot/Videoshoot, also audio & lighting for events, custom-made props etc all you need.

優質食材 專業服務 適合任何場地活動宣傳及推廣
商業 / 節目及活動Popcorn Prince 小王子爆谷


中大音樂畢業生, 專業經驗鋼琴, 豎琴家,為無數大型高檔品牌.婚禮演奏豎琴, 備受讚歎.! 專業豎琴, 鋼琴教學, 學生均在英國皇家音樂學院考試中考取100%優異及優良成績 .

本人曾就讀演藝學院, 以優異成績考獲倫敦聖三一演奏及教師文憑(ATCL LTCL FTCL), 亦曾於多個公開鋼琴比賽獲得獎項,一直熱心於教育工作, 培養學生對鋼琴之興趣, 並協助參加考試及各類型之比賽 有意者請電 94842212 崔小姐 As a student of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, I have received
M音樂 / 教學進修Musicholic
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